Monday, January 16, 2017

2 months, 1 beach

61 days have passed. A lot has been experienced. Much has changed. Coming home has placed me in a seemingly new world. New challenges, new adventures, new responsibilities, new perspective. 

Being here again is often disorienting. There are moments when it feels like it never happened. Like I never went across the world on so great an errand. But I did. It was real. Back in the same place, but I am different.

It's funny how sometimes I wish I was on a different beach right as I am standing on a perfectly good one. Moments continue to come and go like the tides. And each moment I spend wishing is one I've wasted. Today, I stood here on this beach. My toes in the sand, eating fresh fruit, listening to waves crash, letting the sun warm my skin. And I couldn't believe that even a particle of me was not absolutely overjoyed to be there. I couldn't believe a piece of me was dreaming of being somewhere else when I had a view like this.

We always seems to be craving something. But there's an abundance of soul satisfying matter within our reach. Waiting for something that will make us happy is a dangerous game. Working for that which brings eternal happiness, while savoring happy moments along the way, I think that's truly living.

So today I took out my headphones, closed my eyes, and listened closely. I leaned into the breeze, put my toes in the water, and I let the ocean make me feel small. I thanked Heavenly Father for this beach, and I didn't think so much about another one anymore.

A lot has changed in 61 days. But no passage of time or change in location can diminish the beauty of life, and the peace that comes from following the Savior of the World. He will be here to light the dreary, gladden the heart, and fill in the gaps. That will always be true, no matter where we go or how life changes. So let's trust Him. Let's be grateful for what we have, and cheerfully work for what we need. Life is good, and the view isn't bad either.


  1. I love this!!! Such a powerful writing. Today I was looking through my mission pictures and just wished to do all of it again with the same people that I was serving with. I love you so much Kirsten! -sister Ah Fua

  2. Such wise council. Be of good cheerand move forward or you may miss the next great adventure He has in store for you! Love you Sister Froemming. - SH x
