Saturday, May 6, 2017

May 6th

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It's May 6th and I've got a lot of feelings.

Dear Sister Froemming.
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church Christ of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Australia Sydney North Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months.
You should report to the Provo missionary training center on Wednesday, May 6th 2015.

"Today is the first day of mission. This morning I had breakfast with Bill and Barb and my parents. Bill and my dad gave me a blessing. Then we went to the Provo temple and took pictures and said our goodbyes. Saying goodbye for 18 months was too big for my heart to understand all at once. But I did cry for the first time as we pulled into the MTC drop off zone. I got out of the car and some elders helped me get my luggage. I gave a last round of hugs, said one last goodbye and I was off. As soon as my feet hit those MTC grounds a huge smile took over my face. I was a mess as they handed me my badge, eyes full of tears and a crazy huge smile. But as I continued onto the grounds my eyes began to dry and I began to feel nothing but excitement! I love being a missionary! I can't believe it's only been one day. I'm so excited to begin this journey!" 

It was quite a journey. On May 6th, 2015 I honestly had no idea what I was getting into. I had no idea how many more tears would be shed, how many more crazy huge smiles would involuntarily spread across my face. How many more experiences would be too big for my heart. And I had no idea how much I truly would love being a missionary.

Two years have passed and I can't say it's flown by. It feels like a lifetime. So much has happened. So much has changed. I have changed.

Today, May 6th, 2017 I am a different woman. I am much more confident. My mind and heart have expanded in many ways. I have new strengths, new weaknesses, new goals, new challenges.

But there is one thing today that I can say is exactly the same as it was May 6th, 2015. I believe God is my Father and He lives.  I believe Jesus Christ is my Saviour. And I feel love for my fellow men. I want others to understand these truths.

Today on May 6th, 2017 I had a very different experience than I did in the MTC. Today I team taught my less active grandparents about God and commandments with my sister's Jehovah's Witness boyfriend . It was a trip y'all lol I loved it. I don't think I could've done that on May 6th, 2015 but with these two years of experience and study and conviction I have developed a testimony that runs deep. It's in my bones. It's who I am. 

Don't get me wrong, 2017 Kirsten is so much more lost than 2015 Sister Froemming (and those who have been in the MTC will know how shocking that is lol). But regardless my mission experience has woven the Gospel of Jesus Christ into my heart. No matter how lost I feel or how short I fall, I can't deny what I know and what I believe. I can't forget what I've seen and what I've felt and what I've learned.

Things change, people change, life gets tougher than we've ever experienced before. But our knowledge and our faith, and our relationship with Divinity will change with us. It can grow stronger with us. It can struggle with us. It can conquer with us. Because we are just as dear to our Heavenly Father and just as understood by our Saviour today as we were on the most exciting day ever. I know they love confused, determined, irrational 2017 Kirsten just as much as they loved scared, excited, optimistic 2015 Sister Froemming. 

So here's to trying and learning and never forgetting how far we've come. We've still got a great journey ahead.